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Can someone help me make deck for this month please!!

Event Deck By

Work in Progress
0 Card icon for Melt Down Melt Down x1 0 Card icon for Unearth the Past Unearth the Past x1 1 Card icon for Arcanum Elite Arcanum Elite x1 1 Card icon for Blind Storyteller Blind Storyteller x1 1 Card icon for Blood Beetle Blood Beetle x1 1 Card icon for Boot Knife Boot Knife x1 1 Card icon for Brash Shorthorn Brash Shorthorn x1 1 Card icon for Cabal Scavenger Cabal Scavenger x1 1 Card icon for Crystal Dirk Crystal Dirk x1 1 Card icon for Defiance Defiance x1 1 Card icon for Dinomancy Enthusiast Dinomancy Enthusiast x1 1 Card icon for District Infantry District Infantry x1 1 Card icon for Finest Hour Finest Hour x1 1 Card icon for Forge Wolf Forge Wolf x1 1 Card icon for Heavy Axe Heavy Axe x1 1 Card icon for Levitate Levitate x1 1 Card icon for Lunging Wisp Lunging Wisp x1 1 Card icon for Needlespitter Needlespitter x1 1 Card icon for Oni Samurai Oni Samurai x1 1 Card icon for Rambot Rambot x1 1 Card icon for Safe Return Safe Return x2 1 Card icon for Savage Denial Savage Denial x1 1 Card icon for Scorpion Scorpion x1 1 Card icon for Sharpened Reflex Sharpened Reflex x1 1 Card icon for Spitefeeder Spitefeeder x1 1 Card icon for Suffocate Suffocate x1 1 Card icon for Water of Life Water of Life x1 2 Card icon for Angry Prophet Angry Prophet x1 2 Card icon for Bazaar Trickster Bazaar Trickster x1 2 Card icon for Bear Arms Bear Arms x1 2 Card icon for Blistersting Wasp Blistersting Wasp x1 2 Card icon for Conflagrate Conflagrate x1 2 Card icon for Forgotten Find Forgotten Find x1 2 Card icon for Frost Talisman Frost Talisman x1 2 Card icon for Guns Blazing Guns Blazing x1 2 Card icon for Hojan, Crownbreaker Hojan, Crownbreaker x1 2 Card icon for Honeypot Honeypot x1 2 Card icon for Hotblood Barbarian Hotblood Barbarian x1 2 Card icon for Illicit Armament Illicit Armament x1 2 Card icon for Kira, the Prodigy Kira, the Prodigy x1 2 Card icon for Kosul Huntsman Kosul Huntsman x2 2 Card icon for Last Rites Last Rites x1 2 Card icon for Living Example Living Example x1 2 Card icon for Master Cartographer Master Cartographer x1 2 Card icon for Obliviobot Obliviobot x1 2 Card icon for Oni Forgemaster Oni Forgemaster x1 2 Card icon for Packbeast Packbeast x1 2 Card icon for Reinforced Tower Shield Reinforced Tower Shield x1 2 Card icon for Resolute Monk Resolute Monk x1 2 Card icon for Sand Viper Sand Viper x1 2 Card icon for Smith's Hammer Smith's Hammer x1 2 Card icon for Static Bolt Static Bolt x1 2 Card icon for Trailblaze Trailblaze x1 2 Card icon for Wind Cloak Wind Cloak x1 2 Card icon for Workshop Tinker Workshop Tinker x1 2 Card icon for Yeti Snowslinger Yeti Snowslinger x1 3 Card icon for Amaran Camel Amaran Camel x1 3 Card icon for Amber Acolyte Amber Acolyte x1 3 Card icon for Cirso's Choice Cirso's Choice x1 3 Card icon for Copperhall Shieldman Copperhall Shieldman x1 3 Card icon for Dune Painter Dune Painter x1 3 Card icon for Gilded Flames Gilded Flames x1 3 Card icon for Gorgon Cutthroat Gorgon Cutthroat x1 3 Card icon for Granite Acolyte Granite Acolyte x1 3 Card icon for Horde Plunderer Horde Plunderer x1 3 Card icon for Ice Sprite Ice Sprite x1 3 Card icon for Mighty Strikes Mighty Strikes x1 3 Card icon for Mug Mug x1 3 Card icon for Nika, the Freescaler Nika, the Freescaler x1 3 Card icon for Omnivorous Vorlunk Omnivorous Vorlunk x1 3 Card icon for Quicksilver Ooze Quicksilver Ooze x1 3 Card icon for Rally Rally x1 3 Card icon for Reinforced Baton Reinforced Baton x1 3 Card icon for Sandcrawler Sandcrawler x1 3 Card icon for Sandspout Mirage Sandspout Mirage x1 3 Card icon for Scavenge Scavenge x1 3 Card icon for Scheme Scheme x2 3 Card icon for Secret Pages Secret Pages x1 3 Card icon for Silverwing Familiar Silverwing Familiar x1 3 Card icon for Sizzleback Salamander Sizzleback Salamander x1 3 Card icon for Spiteful Lumen Spiteful Lumen x1 3 Card icon for Sporebreath Sporebreath x1 3 Card icon for Spur On Spur On x2 3 Card icon for Stand Together Stand Together x1 3 Card icon for Stoneshaker Stoneshaker x1 3 Card icon for War Wagon War Wagon x1 3 Card icon for Won't Be Pretty Won't Be Pretty x1 4 Card icon for Audacious Bandit Audacious Bandit x3 4 Card icon for Auric Weaponsmith Auric Weaponsmith x1 4 Card icon for Consuming Greed Consuming Greed x1 4 Card icon for Court Mage Court Mage x1 4 Card icon for Guerrilla Fighter Guerrilla Fighter x1 4 Card icon for Imperial Loyalist Imperial Loyalist x1 4 Card icon for Jarrall's Frostkin Jarrall's Frostkin x1 4 Card icon for Jotun Cyclops Jotun Cyclops x2 4 Card icon for Magma Javelin Magma Javelin x1 4 Card icon for Minotaur Lighthoof Minotaur Lighthoof x1 4 Card icon for Nesting Avisaur Nesting Avisaur x1 4 Card icon for Razorquill Razorquill x1 4 Card icon for Ruckus Rouser Ruckus Rouser x1 4 Card icon for Sauropod Crasher Sauropod Crasher x1 4 Card icon for Scalechannel Sorcerer Scalechannel Sorcerer x1 4 Card icon for Sirocco Glider Sirocco Glider x1 4 Card icon for Soul Collector Soul Collector x1 4 Card icon for Striped Araktodon Striped Araktodon x1 4 Card icon for Talir's Choice Talir's Choice x1 4 Card icon for Towertop Patrol Towertop Patrol x1 4 Card icon for Victor's Cry Victor's Cry x1 4 Card icon for Welding Torch Welding Torch x1 5 Card icon for Breathstealer Breathstealer x1 5 Card icon for Calderan Gunsmith Calderan Gunsmith x1 5 Card icon for Crownwatch Press-Gang Crownwatch Press-Gang x1 5 Card icon for Crownwatch Recruiter Crownwatch Recruiter x1 5 Card icon for Fiery Fissure Fiery Fissure x1 5 Card icon for Rallying Sergeant Rallying Sergeant x1 5 Card icon for Roosting Warhawk Roosting Warhawk x1 5 Card icon for Time Weaver Time Weaver x1 6 Card icon for Acantha's Outrider Acantha's Outrider x1 6 Card icon for Cirso's Meddling Cirso's Meddling x1 6 Card icon for Cloudsnake Matriarch Cloudsnake Matriarch x1 6 Card icon for Direwood Rampager Direwood Rampager x1 6 Card icon for Iceknuckle Jotun Iceknuckle Jotun x1 6 Card icon for Oathkeeper's Hammer Oathkeeper's Hammer x1 6 Card icon for Pyre Elemental Pyre Elemental x1 6 Card icon for Silverwing Purgeleader Silverwing Purgeleader x1 6 Card icon for Spirit Drain Spirit Drain x1 6 Card icon for Vara's Sanctum Vara's Sanctum x1 6 Card icon for Voyaging Lumen Voyaging Lumen x1 7 Card icon for Clan Barracks Clan Barracks x1 7 Card icon for Dormant Sentinel Dormant Sentinel x1 7 Card icon for Icaria, the Liberator Icaria, the Liberator x1 7 Card icon for Inspire Obedience Inspire Obedience x2 7 Card icon for Snowmass Jotun Snowmass Jotun x1 7 Card icon for Starved Vorlunk Starved Vorlunk x1 7 Card icon for Topaz Drake Topaz Drake x1 8 Card icon for Magmatic Sentinel Magmatic Sentinel x1 8 Card icon for Runic Protector Runic Protector x1 10 Card icon for Scourge of Frosthome Scourge of Frosthome x1 Card icon for Clan Standard Clan Standard x1 Card icon for Cobalt Coin Cobalt Coin x1 Card icon for Emerald Coin Emerald Coin x1 Card icon for Emerald Monument Emerald Monument x1

Sideboard 18

2 Card icon for Eilyn's Choice Eilyn's Choice x1 2 Card icon for Hooru Stranger Hooru Stranger x1 2 Card icon for Lethrai Courtier Lethrai Courtier x1 2 Card icon for Praxis Stranger Praxis Stranger x1 2 Card icon for Skycrag Stranger Skycrag Stranger x1 3 Card icon for Carnivorous Sauropod Carnivorous Sauropod x1 3 Card icon for Resilient Wagoneer Resilient Wagoneer x1 3 Card icon for Trickster's Cloak Trickster's Cloak x1 4 Card icon for Master's Lesson Master's Lesson x1 4 Card icon for Momentum Builder Momentum Builder x1 4 Card icon for Shield Bash Shield Bash x1 5 Card icon for Valkyrie Denouncer Valkyrie Denouncer x1 6 Card icon for Gate Guardian Gate Guardian x1 7 Card icon for Rumbling Contraption Rumbling Contraption x1 Card icon for Argenport Banner Argenport Banner x1 Card icon for Hooru Insignia Hooru Insignia x1 Card icon for Token of Knowledge Token of Knowledge x1 Card icon for Token of Vision Token of Vision x1


Cost Curve




Please someone help me make some atleast 18win deck for this month so i get atleast rare premium Thanks :)

Event Information

Eternal Championship Qualifier: Dark Frontier
May 3-4, 2019
The last Eternal Championship Qualifier of the 2019 season


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 2 3 3 2

Power Sources
2 2

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
100 38 8 4

Card Types
92 14 40 0 4


May 24, 2019

May 23, 2019


Eternal Version
Dark Frontier

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) May 24, 2019



YurickYu Eternal Version: 1.46.5
You don't have any dual power? Please put your primal and shadow.
Becker Eternal Version: 1.46.5
here is a full list didn't realize i've posted half of it Thank you alot for helping out
YurickYu Eternal Version: 1.46.5
Your primal is medium and your shadow is not that great. With the cards you post i would keep the deck i say to you and make - 1 Time Sigil + 1 Token of Vision.
Becker Eternal Version: 1.46.6
thanks alot
YurickYu Eternal Version: 1.46.5
With this list i think the best is: 1 Defiance (Set5 #77)
1 Finest Hour (Set1 #130)
1 Scorpion (Set5 #42)
1 Conflagrate (Set5 #7)
1 Hojan, Crownbreaker (Set5 #86)
1 Hooru Stranger (Set2 #247)
1 Praxis Stranger (Set2 #248)
1 Resolute Monk (Set5 #48)
1 Sand Viper (Set2 #42)
1 Amber Acolyte (Set1 #93)
1 Granite Acolyte (Set1 #31)
1 Omnivorous Vorlunk (Set6 #66)
1 Quicksilver Ooze (Set6 #69)
1 Stand Together (Set1 #334)
1 War Wagon (Set6 #116)
1 Imperial Loyalist (Set5 #98)
1 Magma Javelin (Set1 #41)
1 Momentum Builder (Set4 #278)
1 Towertop Patrol (Set1 #101)
1 Victor's Cry (Set2 #91)
1 Welding Torch (Set4 #36)
1 Calderan Gunsmith (Set1 #46)
1 Fiery Fissure (Set4 #38)
1 Rallying Sergeant (Set6 #37)
1 Roosting Warhawk (Set6 #124)
1 Silverwing Purgeleader (Set4 #141)
1 Magmatic Sentinel (Set5 #37)
6 Fire Sigil (Set1 #1)
6 Time Sigil (Set1 #63)
4 Justice Sigil (Set1 #126)
1 Emerald Coin (Set6 #91)
1 Emerald Monument (Set1 #422)
YurickYu Eternal Version: 1.46.5
I can help you. I am currently top 3 in league month (35-5). But why have only 91 cards (92 - 1 justice sigil)? Put the full list and i help you. After the casual friday i return here to see the full list, ok? This will be like 24 hours.