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You've Always Wanted to Play Ashara, Widowmaker

Throne Deck By
Team Not-Tavrod


Cost Curve




You've always wanted to play Ashara, Widowmaker, haven't you? But you never knew what to do with her. Well, if you haven't dusted all your copies, here's your chance to play what's turned into an awesome deck.

Blastoderman redeemed a 6-pack challenge on Tuesday's stream, where I open six random packs then choose one of the rares/lendaries to build around. In this case, it was Ashara. The initial list wasn't exactly awful, but it certainly wasn't good. I decided to rework it on Wednesday, and on Thursday's stream, we played this.

In came a Crack the Earth market which is kind of nice given that we have Riftfeeder Wasp and Moonstone Vanguard that we can tuck away for later. Typically, Worldbearer Behemoth is the first grab. Xenan Temple is a close second. It depends on the board state. Incarnus, Makkar's Listener can be somewhat difficult to cast, but she is a great target for a Desert Alchemist plunder or to pitch to the market. And when you can play her, it can swing the game, especially in the later stages when they might have exhausted removal options. Veena's Masterpiece helps with card draw. Our removal is kind of standard Banish and Send an Agent.

The main draw of the deck is Ashara. This list lets us target our units like Tocas, Waystone Harvester, Worldbearer, Moonstone, and Wasp. She has charge and quickdraw which can make for good plays. She can work as removal, but that's not ideal. If your opponent has a particularly slow start, removing a unit can be good.

The deck has gone 18-2, which seems pretty silly. Anyway, enjoy!


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 3

Power Sources
24 19 18

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
7 21 21 5 19

Card Types
31 4 19 1 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Bastion Rising [Set1097]
The Devouring [Set1145]


April 27, 2024


Eternal Version
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