A build of Stonescar Mid that got me through Diamond to Masters for the first time. The choices are fairly standard, but I'll post it here anyway for anyone looking for a Stonescar deck. I doubt it's better than the other two-faction Shadow midrange decks, but I don't have the legendaries for Feln and Argenport and wasn't happy with Xenan.
Raniya is in the market instead of maindeck, because she's only good on some boardstates and doesn't typically want to be played on 4. Spending 6 for Delivery + Raniya is usually possible by the time you want to play her.
I currently have
Hidden Garrote instead of
Wildlands Scavenging in the market, because I've seen extremely few relics and a lot of Feln Mid and Hooru Control with face aegis that gets in the way of Feed or Ziat. You can swap this depending on which you're seeing more of.