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Xenan Wisps is underplayed!

Throne Deck By


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With Blightmoth nonexistent at the moment a faction deck other than Yeti's is possible. The recursion here is pretty darn awesome. Going wide is with it is the easiest and most potent the deck has ever been. The synergy level is really what makes the deck.

Pathlighter and Weary Spiteling are rock solid early and late game cards.
Originally I was having power issues, either flooding or screw so the additions of Desert Alchemist and Time Etchings were added and have been mainstays since.
Mitotic Wisp is likely my favorite card in the deck. A lot of lifting comes from it, be it blocking early game, reducing Radiant costs and digging into your deck to get a bullet. Xenan Temple synergizes very well with. Triggering the wisp ability twice when you kill an opponents unit.
Xenan Initiation is most likely the weakest card here, but it too is very good in the deck. Giving killer to a Pathlighter and recurring it the entire game is ridiculous.
Banish. Read it, it's good.
Curtain Call Saves your units and gains some health most of the time. Wins the game some of the time. Loses the game here and there.....
Twinned Spiteling is really good on it's own, we all know that. Now, imagine a spiteling with killer. It kills some ridiculously large thing and heads to the void. That's when and where our Radiants really shine.
Now to the Radiants. The choices to me really are obvious once its been broken down and played a bazillion times.
First is Preserver of Dualities our go wide cheerleader. She pumps up the wisps with moderately cheap activation and invites more to the party whenever you play another Radiant.
Next is Soulbringer, and he's pretty awesome. He has an amazing reanimate effect that can target your previously killed Killer Pathlighter or Twinned Spiteling. If Tribute is shown (which is fairly easy to accomplish) you get both perhaps.
Ok, so admittedly Umbren Voidbringer is ass. His only saving grace is he can target any unit in the void which helps keep the wheels turning when you need a Soulbringer or Preserver.
And finally Xenan Temple which hosts a ton options on its own. The obvious is initiation, but scare could be used on a previously buffed Mitotic to make it a flying monster but usually the card is a not very useful. The synergy with Mitotic wisp triggers is usually missed by an opponent until it goes off much earlier than they anticipated. This happens because Xenan Temple requires an opponents unit to enter the void before its taken counting as 1 for the opposing void and 1 for your own once it enters.

The market is to meta tastes. This is what I've been using currently in the grind.
I hope everyone read it enjoyed the rundown of the deck and perhaps I'll run into it a few times.
Take care!


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 2

Power Sources
20 18 12

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
8 27 25 10

Card Types
32 2 17 3 26

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Jekk's Bounty [Set1001]
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]


June 25, 2021


Eternal Version

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IamSpamlinkz Edited Eternal Version: 21.06.09
I don't have most of the rares and legendaries and Umbren Voidbringer feels really slow to me.
So this is what i did to the deck:
3 Dark Return (Set1 #250)
3 Pathlighter (Set4 #55)
4 Time Etchings (Set9 #42)
3 Weary Spiteling (Set5 #155)
4 Desert Alchemist (Set9 #46)
4 Mitotic Wisp (Set1003 #22)
3 Xenan Initiation (Set2 #44)
4 Banish (Set2 #207)
4 Curtain Call (Set9 #150)
3 Dawnwalker (Set1 #86)
4 Preserver of Dualities (Set4 #267)
4 Soulbringer (Set4 #231)
4 Twinned Spiteling (Set9 #169)
2 Xenan Temple (Set5 #224)
6 Shadow Sigil (Set1 #249)
4 Time Sigil (Set1 #63)
4 Amber Coin (Set6 #46)
4 Xenan Banner (Set2 #201)
4 Xenan Cylix (Set9 #199)
4 Xenan Insignia (Set7 #184)
1 Infinite Hourglass (Set1 #67)
1 Unlock Potential (Set1 #76)
1 Lumen Reclaimer (Set3 #80)
1 Grodov's Burden (Set8 #53)
1 Passage of Eons (Set1001 #3)

I would even go so far as to say 2x Dark Return is enough and you could swap in that one Pathlighter or Weary Spiteling that i got rid of for it.
RumblerX Edited Eternal Version: 21.06.09
Nice! Dawnwalker was one I used very early on. It works very well with Void Drummer, another card I used in an earlier build. I haven't revisited that build in a long time. It may be decent. I, however do not care for Dark Return here and yes, Voidbringer isn't the end all be all(I look for a replacement for it every new expansion)but the role it serves is necessary seeing as it can't be negated and at worst is still a 2/2 flying beserker in the face of void hate. This is of course just my feelings on the card. I could very well be wrong in my assessment.
dbrugler Eternal Version: 21.06.09
What do you think about replacing Umbren Voidbringer with Dark Return?
S1O1 Edited Eternal Version: 21.06.09
Defile works with Mitotic Wisp the same way that Xenan Temple does. It might be worth trying out if you really like that synergy.
RumblerX Eternal Version: 21.06.09
Hi! Yes, you are indeed correct with Defile and while that effect is nice, it's not a make or break thing. No real need to go overboard.
ArrowofKira22 Eternal Version: 21.06.09
Yeah this deck looks hot! It absolutely doesn't need azindel to win games like most other xenan decks. I really like how this deck plays into the board all the time and when people don't play around soulbringer it can be over really quick! Personally I'd try to add time symbols in this deck to charge twinned spiteling and time etchings faster and exploit so that you have more information what you have to play around. It even helps milotic wisp out if you discard a unit with it. Thanks for sharing because i too think wisps are underplayed you never see them on the ladder, which is really sad!
RumblerX Eternal Version: 21.06.09
Hello there! That's right! Azindel isn't required. I used to keep him in the market but never really needed to grab him aside from the over the top blow outs and flash factor he did nothing special to save games. The Time symbols are a mixed bag for me here. I've tried them before for a long while and they do nice work at buffing up a Time Keeper and access to market a bit earlier. On the other side of it, it can't add to the board the way Amber Coin does. I go back and forth between the 2 depending on if I'm seeing aggro heavily.