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Skycrag Sling [Masters]

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




Dusted off an old deck to see how it performed, and the verdict is: Sling of the Chi is still pretty good! I did need to swap out a fair number of nerfed cards (RIP Transpose), but the core of the deck - Sling + fatties, plus some face aegis to protect sling - is still a totally reasonable gameplan, and took me from D3 to Masters over the course of a couple of days.

Update: Hit Masters with this deck again in March. I tweaked the list a bit to add Wilderness Delivery -> Mistveil Drake to help deal with all the discard running around, plus Nullify over Maveloft Huntress to deal with spell-based combo (Spire Shadows and Rebuild).

Card explanation:

Sling of the Chi - the main build-around of the deck. It provides removal and card draw, while also incidentally protecting your stuff from transformation. Needs chonky boiz to enable it, which leads us to...

Rost, the Walking Glacier - works with both halves of Sling, and if your opponents kill it, it comes back to shoot another thing down. Warp is the icing on the top, and nice whenever it happens.
Siege Breaker - only triggers half of Sling, but killing relics is quite relevant. It's also just a big body.
Geminon, the Double Helix - another massive slab of beef. Surprisingly resistant to removal, since it dodges most conditional removal. FFF can be a bit tricky at times though.
Xo of the Endless Hoard - another way to trigger sling, or inscribe for extra power. Fire influence is a little awkward with Rost, but helps for Geminon. If you ever get to attack with Xo, you'll usually win.
Sashenka of Kosul - triggers Sling and either stabilizes the board or draws more cards. One of the best topend threats available.
Also worth consideration: Kan, Censari General, Tamarys, Earthshaker.

Permafrost - cheap and efficient way to turn off many threats.
Maveloft Huntress - another cheap way to kill things. Plunder is also very valuable to allow you to hit power drops. It also occasionally triggers Sling if you imbue an X/5.
Hailstorm - obligatory anti-aggro card. Doesn't kill any of our beefy units, Maveloft Huntress can both dodge it when pumped.
Display of Survival - relic hate, removal, and face aegis. Lots of good options.
Kenna, Uncontained - eats slightly larger things and provides an evasive threat. Like Geminon, quite resistant to removal.

Market Access
Primal Etchings - often used to just hit power drops (since this deck doesn't have that many cheap units to exhaust for it), but extra market access is nice to have.
Jennev Merchant - a reasonably efficient way to access the market while providing a bit of a speedbump for aggro.
Other options: Wilderness Delivery, Howling Peak Smuggler

Other Stuff
Plunk Wumpkin - early attacker / blocker to punish slower opponents. Aegis means opponents may be forced to burn multiple removal spells on it, which clears the way for beefier units later on.
Eilyn's Favor - more face aegis and power smoothing.
Other options: Wisdom of the Elders, Jarrall Ascending, Torgov, Icecap Trader

Edict of Linrei - tech card, since I noticed a lot of Fire in the meta. Cheap removal.
Kaleb's Choice - tech card as another answer to relics.
Elemental Fury - board wipe vs aggro.
Turn to Seed - spot removal for bigger units.
Spitflame Draconus - beefy unit to trigger Sling.
Other options: Dazzle, Ice Bolt, Formbend, Fisher King, Helio, the Skywinder

Powerbase: mostly mono-Primal for Rost, but also including enough Fire influence for our splash cards, and Cobalt Waystone as another way to get face-aegis.

Closing Thoughts

This was a fun experiment in refurbishing an old deck - it's always tempting to focus on the newest and shiniest options, but that doesn't mean previous powerhouses are suddenly power crept into oblivion (plus this deck got plenty of new toys). I didn't notice a lot of relic removal in the games I played, which certainly helped, but there was a lot of discard. The record for my last 20 games was 12-8, so firmly in 'reasonable, but takes some practice / dedication' territory if you're looking to climb with it.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 5

Power Sources
17 25 17

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
8 19 29 6 14

Card Types
26 6 23 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]
Promises by Firelight [Set1007]
Shadow of the Spire [Set1087]
Bastion Rising [Set1097]

Control Midrange

March 22, 2023

February 26, 2023


Eternal Version
Behemoths of Thera

BBCode For Comments

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Revisions (Since last major patch) March 22, 2023



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