I decided I didn't want to play Ziat this month, but I still wanted to play Feln this month.
Please do not play this deck.
The winrate is extremely misleading: Each game takes about 3 hours to play, so it took me 2 weeks to finish the climb despite winning most games.
Post patch thoughts: The Ziat nerfs kinda hurt this deck since the hp loss isn't particularly relevant to this removal suite (Unkicked Heavy Hail can remove her now, but if they have literally any other unit then you still want to kick it), but it opens up the meta for Aggro, which this deck needs to rely entirely on the mulligan to deal with. Feed nerf does mean Ziat decks struggles even harder to remove your Face Aegis, which is pretty important, but if you were set up with a Face Aegis and one of your relics, you were winning very hard in the first place.
I'm still going to play it either way because I'm bad at the game, but just important to keep in mind.