We play Saloon Massacre instead of other less discriminating board wipes because most of our minotaurs will survive it, even more so once Auric Bank is in play, and Saloon Massacre has an advantage against FPS and FTS decks that mainly play low health units. In the Hooru control matchup we play multiple relics which makes it harder for them to utilize Display (and since Display transforms relics, it can't trigger Menagerie's entomb effect). Through The Unknown allows us to bring back Minotaur Lighthoof if our opponent is playing multiple relics.
Some small changes after play testing - added 2 copies of Nothing Remains because it felt like the deck wasn't drawing Saloon Massacre consistently enough to always deal with the go wide FTS deck. Reduced Auric Sentry to 3 copies, and also cut back on Inscribe cards a little bit.
Another update with some small changes - now that the Unleash owls have been nerfed to 2/3, Lunar Claw is less necessary to counter them. I have switched up the relic weapons to be 2 copies of Hidden Garrote and 2 copies of Claw so we have more options to play on turn 2. I've also changed the 3 drops to be 2 copies of Auric Sentry and 2 copies of Golden Horn Security giving more some options for what to play. Golden Horn Security has higher value since you can play it with Unleash later in the game, but in the early game Auric Sentry allows you to put up a blocker that you can safely play Saloon Massacre after. Depending on how you feel about the relic weapons and these units, you may choose to fully commit to one card or the other in your deck.