While this isn't a deck that can always compete with the best out there, it is fun to have a field of
Striding Skyline that's way too big to handle.
As the deck's central focus is around Striding Skyline, a ton of relics are necessary for it to really become an explosive game-winner. For that, both on-faction hours helps fix this deck's power a little,
Dinosaur Nest is just a simple and easy to use relic, and along with
Rockfort, turns on
Vault of the Praxis. Sindar's Bracers help to ramp you to this deck's big payoffs, and with several heroes, that power number can get quite large, too.
The deck's other all-star is
Alhed, Mount Breaker, and he works with Unleash units in order to make your boardstate spiral out of control way too quickly. Before your opponent knew what hit them, they could be dealing with double digit attack fliers!
The spells are mostly there as a concession that any decent deck should interact with the opponent in some fashion.
Exodus, the new promo card, is the exception, as that dual inscribe and the effect are both welcome in a list such as this. This list may not be perfect, but I've had quite a lot of fun with it! Hopefully you all have fun, too.