Without enough shiftstone to create the best legendary cards and after opening 40-50 packs, none of the 2-faction Hunt decks worked for me in Gauntlet, whereas this 3-faction deck has the oomph to get me 13 straight wins in Gauntlet and climb two tiers. Power is the best I could do, it's mostly Hooru with a Time splash. I hate the 4-drop slot with a passion but it's the best I can come up with on a budget.
Am very new to deckbuilding in Eternal (been playing for 2-3 months, used to play MTG) so this could be entirely the wrong way to build the deck, and I'll update it after I've tried laddering in Expedition and maybe earned some better cards, but this was my starting point after grinding Gauntlet. Aggro midrange was my best guess for archetype but that might change too if I decide to go bigger.
Feedback and constructive criticism would be appreciated, unconstructive criticism will be ignored for the sake of ego.
And scorpion wasp can be a very good removal card worth considering.