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Frenzy Aggro (89% WR)

Expedition Deck By


Cost Curve




The centerpiece of this deck is Feln Adept . You won't really ever run out of cards/threats due to the adept + Through The Unknown . Even though adept is the card I built the deck around, you still have a lot of synergy due to Nico, Urban Hunter + Battlefront Dasher or give your nico flying with Windscreamer . Tons of frenzy procs to get your charge/flying Nico back or to get adept to 4-8 attack fairly easily. Oh and by the way if you dont have Serpent Hive you can put in Frostburn as a replacement.

Expedition Information


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
1 4 2

Power Sources
11 12 12 12 2

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
10 34 10 8 2

Card Types
32 4 14 0 25


June 20, 2022

June 4, 2022


Eternal Version

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) June 20, 2022



ubermaan Edited Eternal Version: 22.06.08
This site needs to require proof of these winrates. Either everyone is a liar or I have the worst RNG in the game. I’m 0 and 5 with this deck because I either get stuck on 3 power, don’t draw any frenzy enablers, or all Through the Unknown and no units.
Kdoggy112 Eternal Version: 22.06.08
This deck is really good but expedition feels really bad right now. I got upto diamond 1 and it's just a case of whoever hits 5 and swings. It's so fucking annoying. How do you deal with rakano and argent port decks? One is more aggressive (rakano) the other is more 2 for one value (argenport).

Though I gotta admit I nearly got to masters with this deck but I keep getting power screwed on mulligan. What do you normally mulligan for?
AlexGoesFace Eternal Version: 22.06.08
Before I go into this make sure to update the list as I added some new stuff.
Rakano: What you want to TRY to do is outvalue them with value trades and maintaining the card advantage due to them having weak card draw. However, if they absolutely nut on you with dasher on 1 into a 3,4,5, you have to sort of play the prediction game and play according to them. If you're heading into turn 5, keep up 2 mana for a shrivel to counter their phoenix. If you're heading into turn 4 make sure to save your icicle/bow for their magni. You have to assume they have the best cards at the best times. Other than that, some key principles for any aggro matchup really would be to play towards your card advantage and single target removal while taking value trades and maintaining some sort of board presence at all times.

Argenport: They WILL outvalue you no matter what, you can't play towards the card advantage if their cards are just more top heavy and do more per turn. However, what you can do is play towards the mini combo built in this deck. Dasher-Nico. This combo will SINGLEHANDEDLY win you this matchup and every other control matchup. SImply give nico charge with dasher and you build from that and can eventually get 6-7 charge damage every turn. If you get this on turn 3 you automatically win the game no matter what. However, the later you achieve this the harder the game gets as they are able to develop and them having board presence is a death sentence.
If you have any more questions or if you want coaching feel free to add me in-game at alexgoesface+9769
Kdoggy112 Eternal Version: 22.06.08
Thanks for the in-depth reply! Maybe when we are both free you can show me how to operate this deck? :)
AlexGoesFace Eternal Version: 22.06.08
Sounds Good, I'm about to get on right now so just let me know!
maslovk Eternal Version: 22.06.01
Why did you cut Wisp + Stormcaller combo? Any one piece of it can work on its own and a combo is really powerful. Also we can draw it from void (the only issue is Eavesdrop).
AlexGoesFace Eternal Version: 22.06.01
I was told by many that stormacaller is a bit too vulnerable and I agree however you can add it back if you prefer. Just cut torq, piercing, and wrong turn.
NULLUS Edited Eternal Version: 22.06.01
I'm now 0-4 with this deck. It's been a power struggle each and every game. You must be having some incredible draws to have that sort of win rate with this power curve and lineup. It seems very, very slow against other aggro decks.
AlexGoesFace Eternal Version: 22.06.01
If you want I'd be willing to coach you on how to play this deck. I really think this is one of the better decks in the format. It does play like an aggro deck but shifting towards being the defender can really make a difference. The card advantage you can maintain has a huge impact on how you play this deck. If you have any questions you can add me on ECG (AlexGoesFace+9769)
NULLUS Eternal Version: 22.06.01
Sure, I'd be more than appreciative for any insight.
AlexGoesFace Eternal Version: 22.06.01
Sounds Good. I'm on right now but whenever we're both on at the same time I'd be more than willing to show you the ropes.
NULLUS Eternal Version: 22.06.08
Been keeping an eye out for you online, but I still can't get past about 50/50 with this deck, and every single time that it's a struggle it's a power curve. The deck seems to ramp out at about 5 power for me.
3Deuce Eternal Version: 22.06.01
I've been running something similar and think I played a game against you recently. I put Torgov in as top end for Nico recursion and as something too big to die to Saloon Massacre. I also ran Pteriax Mount instead of Dasher to take a little more advantage of Windscreamer. I dunno if it's better or not, but I'm on an 11 game win streak at the moment
AlexGoesFace Eternal Version: 22.06.01
I think torgov is a bit too clunky and I personally love the dasher nico combo. Dasher nico wins you any control match-up imaginable. Torgov seems like a good fit and it might be but I think the list is too synergistic to cut anything for right now. Could possibly cut the adept but I like having a consistent 2. You did beat me however so you might be onto something lmao.
Random_7945 Eternal Version: 22.06.01
Did you play 9 games and win 8 of them?
AlexGoesFace Eternal Version: 22.06.01
18 and 16