Here's to my salty opponent who seemed to think I netdecked this. This wildness is original.
An aggro deck with the feel of a combo deck. There's nothing as sweet as drawing 5+ cards in one turn when your curve tops out at 2.
Very dependent on opening hand and killing the opponent before they stick Uther, this deck uses whispering wind to turn any 2-drop into a lurking sanguar to play for free. Swarm the board early to win, or use the extra life padding as time to transform a tormented crown.
Mulligan aggressively, especially on the draw. It is important to have either a good curve (e.g. two 1-drops and two 2-drops), a Sanguar, a Whispering Wind, or a Crown in the opener on the draw. You can go to 6 cards and still win.
This deck is legit.