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Nostrix Porter w/ Market

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This is an updated version of LightsOutAce's Nostrix porter to include market as well as a couple of small tweaks. I took LightsOutAce's version of Nostrix Porter to masters in May and June and played this version to masters in July.

The idea of the deck is to stall until you can gather Nostrix, Lord of Visions and Cliffside Porter and play both of them out in succession, giving you a deck full of 5/6 1 mana cards with echo. Use Crownwatch Press-Gang to seek Cliffside Porter or to dupe them by using Strategize to put one on the bottom of your deck and using the Press-Gang to grab it back out, netting you one extra copy via echo.

Fall of Argenport made this combo MUCH easier with the addition of merchants and the market, allowing you to trade for whichever combo pieces you may need at the time. Another upside to the market is cards in your market aren't affected by things such as Rain of Frogs or In Cold Blood so even if one of these cards (that previously would have been game ending before FoA) hits you, it's not necessarily game over anymore. If you find your Porters turned into frogs, grab one out of the market with your merchant then dupe them by sending one to the bottom of your deck with Strategize or bouncing them back and forth from your market with Jennev Merchant.

Usually one Nostrix is plenty to give you all the gas you need, so if you find your Nostrix, Lord of Visions being the target of In Cold Blood don't worry, 8 or more 1 mana 5/6's will usually lock the game down for you, just remember to dupe your Porters as needed if you find yourself running low. If you have a Nostrix but all of your Porters are gone, both Press-Gang and your Merchants are good backup targets for Nostrix, buff whichever one you have more copies of in your deck at the time. 8/8's with revenge are pretty good and 8/7's with Aegis also tend to be quite hard to deal with.

Hooru Pacifier was added as a tech card against weapons and an early drop to help fend off fliers, feel free to cut it if it causes you more harm than good since the deck does run 3 Auric Runehammers as well.

The single Lightning Strike is a bit of a wildcard as well, since there's only one you don't see it very often but when you do it's great for popping bubbles or fending off attacks in the early game, feel free to swap this out if you like or get rid of the two Hooru Pacifiers to add more Lightning Strike cards.

Market Cards:
Cobalt Waystone is in market to help push you up to 6 power and also to have an Aegis easily accessible in situations where you're expecting to be hit by card effects such as In Cold Blood or Equivocate. I find myself grabbing the Waystone out of the market the least out of the 5 cards in the market, so if you need to swap something out this should be the first thing you look at.

Vision of Austerity is the only relic hate in the deck and is at your fingertips in the market, use this to get rid of Xenan Obelisk, Azindel's Gift, Crown of Possibilities, Crystalline Chalice, relic weapons or whatever else you find cramping your style.

Channel the Tempest is an alternate win condition as sometimes you just need a little bit of reach or extra card draw. If you're not a fan of channel I'd personally rather drop the 3 channels from the deck and keep this in the market, but if you don't like it at all feel free to drop this for another card in the market.

Nostrix, Lord of Visions and Cliffside Porter are your two main combo pieces and being able to grab either of these at will is very strong. If you have neither of your combo pieces in your hand, grab Nostrix out of your market first, you have more tools in Crownwatch Press-Gang to grab Porters than you do Nostrix.

In conclusion:
Nostrix Porter was good before FOA and it's only gotten better with the addition of Market, it doesn't use any other Set 4 cards aside from the Merchants while also remaining fairly cheap to craft, using mostly staple Justice and Primal rares, Nostrix and optional Hooru Pacifiers as the only legendaries in the deck. Feel free to comment with any questions or suggestions, or stop by my stream for a demonstration! I play Nostrix Porter fairly regularly and almost always while ranked grinding at the start of a new season.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 4

Power Sources
18 20 2 14

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
18 19 29 6

Card Types
17 5 32 0 26

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Jekk's Bounty [Set1001]
The Tale of Horus Traver [Set1002]
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]

Control Combo

July 16, 2018


Eternal Version
The Fall of Argenport

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azo38 Eternal Version: 1.36
Hey lienwrath thx for the list , i'm gonna try it , it might be really interesting with mercants ! <3
flippyflop Eternal Version: 1.36
was kind of hoping for some inspire + market interaction but i guess it really isn't neccessary
Lienwrath Eternal Version: 1.36
Yeah, unfortunately it's kind of a tight ship. If I were gonna try to fit in some inspire the only thing I'd really look at is Spiritward Shaman, extra bubbles makes for fun for the whole family. :)
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Lienwrath Eternal Version: 1.36
Being able to grab either of your combo pieces at any time with a merchant is huge, Porter is easily the 2nd most grabbed card out of the market for me. The upside of being able to grab either piece you need when you need it far outweighs the downside of one of your 4 Porters being unbuffed when you play Nostrix, as well as the added effect of keeping one safe from effects like Rain of Frogs and Shush. I don't think I've ever had an issue where I lost a game because I went through my all my other Porters and all I had left were my 0/1 Porters in the market. Ultimately though, the world is your oyster, if you don't like Cliffside Porter in your market there are lots of other good options to put in there. I wouldn't add Accelerated Evolution though, it's gonna be hard playing it with no time influence.
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Noodlez113 Eternal Version: 1.36
Could the pacifiers be better as Valkyrie Enforcers for a similar bit of anti-flyer tech?
Lienwrath Edited Eternal Version: 1.36
I think if I were going to swap out the Pacifiers I'd do so for more removal, either extra Lightning Strike, Permafrost, Vanquish or if you're really feeling saucy, Unseal to counter enemy spells and remove Disciplinary Weights from Teacher of Humility if you manage to get hit by them. Shelterwing Rider can be good like N̶o̶o̶d̶l̶e̶z̶ you suggested below too, but if I were going to add those I'd make sure I had 4 copies to get maximum effect from Nostrix.

Edit: didn't notice your name at first, sorry. :P
Noodlez113 Eternal Version: 1.36
Or even as the 4 power 5/5 Aegis guy. Those are pretty great with Nostrix too.
Ninjacan Eternal Version: 1.36
Ya I was going to say the pacifiers seemed kinda out of place, but you touched on that in your write-up. Other than that, deck looks nice
Lienwrath Eternal Version: 1.36
Thanks! The Pacifiers are 100% personal preference at this point, I've had them single handled win games for me, especially against the influx of Statuary Maiden lately or even against Skycrag agro decks. Though all it takes is one game being locked out of your own Auric Runehammer to be turned off by them so I wouldn't fault anyone for wanting to swap them out. Honestly though, I've never had a game where having a Pacifier out cost me a game because I couldn't play hammers, only a mild inconvenience at most.