Okay, my masterpiece. To start: I wanted no waste for Xultan Ambassador, so every unit is a hero. We depend on card draw with Xultan, Plunk, Torgov, Tomb of the Azuremage, Sleight of Hand and Boundless Knowledge. Of course, the star of the show is Eilyn. All of the spells are to Frenzy her and hit that even more card draw damage with Channel the Tempest. 8 inscribes to help, and Serpent Hive triggers a frenzy when inscribed as well.
Torq and Chirganth make your spells deal ridiculous damage and pump your 16 yetis. Calderan Cradle to have a 5/5 Dragon factory with all of your spells (use Trick Throw and Snowballs often to trigger these).
If you are ahead on board, always hold a Backlash up to make them ragequit.
This deck easily has Masters potential, I probably won't have the time to because I'm pretty busy, and I'm a Draft kind of guy. Hit up the comments if you dig it