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Foxfang Facerush (Anti-Aggro/Relic Control Midrange Deck)

Expedition Deck By


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UPDATE: I have added Gareth, Veteran Lantern to the market vs the Fiera matchup.

Collision Course was added to market as a spicy mana fixer using inscribe and much more rarely as a late game cantrip if you have a particularly big unit.

This is a very consistent and very strong beatdown deck based around out-valuing and outplaying other aggro decks, while having very strong matchups versus Rift and most relic-based control decks.

The deck struggles versus lategame minion focused decks, I have found Mono-Time control and Minotaurs to be some of the hardest matchups. The best way to play against these decks is to beat down time as hard and as fast as you can before they can get online, and to whittle down Minotaurs via silencing/killing their relics and beating their minions down with weapons.

I run 2 each of Hour of Kodosh and Rolant's Favor for earlygame fixing, these are multipurpose as Hour of Kodesh allows for lategame damage boosts and allows Tinker Unionist to Unleash. Tinker isnt a minion in this deck as much as another form of removal, use weapons on it and slam into the opponent. Ossuar Longbow and Foxfang Katars are the best, as they will allow you to overwhelm blockers or negate all damage from them respectively. Rolant's is included due to it being able to let you soak more damage with weapons.

Opening Hand
Surveying the Rift pulls the entire deck together, if you have a 3 power opening hand and a Rift, the other cards would have to be VERY poor to redraw. You can filter through most of your deck with this card, combined with Rakano Artisan to get insane value from your weapons.

Your goal with an opening hand is to either have at least 3 power, or to have 2 power and one "fixer" (Kodosh or Rolant's). Rakano Artisan is a HUGE plus in an opening hand, and you should also always keep unless you are power flooded or only have one type of power.

Card Explanations

Oni Quartermaster is a bait card. Use it to force your opponent to drop removal on it. It's too expensive for most niche earlygame removal and too tough for 1 damage pings to get rid of it. Usually will force your opponent to drop at least 3 power to get rid of it, and a card, which is huge.

Steelwarren Responder is card draw and a buff. If you can Rakano Artisan into Responder and get a +2 weapon, thats often enough to win the entire earlygame, if not the entire game against many aggro decks unless they run mainboard earlygame relic destruction. If they do, they are forced to use a card to get rid of a card you drew for essentially free.

Myrmidon Helm is additional fixing and adding bulk to your units, if I was to side out any card for a stronger weapon, it would be this one, but its come through for me often enough I am extremely hesitant to get rid of it.

Rift Disaster is an extremely useful option against swarming decks (Minotaurs and Time Midrange) and will allow you to draw a card if your units were buffed enough to be 5 power and also let you get a free swing into the opponents face most of the time.

Monarch Cloak will absolutely ruin the lives of any relic control player, ever. I used to run searches for this card specifically because of how good it is but it started clogging the deck. Save these in your hand if you expect scary relics are coming.

Champion of Glory will absolutely annihilate any earlygame threats with 2 RG power and is extremely scary with an Ossuar Longbow, this card is going to be your main target for weapons on units. This card alone will absolutely stomp most earlygame rush decks since it can't be stunned and has Quickdraw on a bulky 3/3 body. I was either going to run 4 Tinker Unionist or 4 of this guy and the reason I am running 4 of this guy over Unionist in a weapon deck should speak volumes.

Adamantine Pangolin is an absolute menace if it stays on the field for more than one turn, and when it dies itll buff your next card super hard.

Expedition Information


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2

Power Sources
17 18 10

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
4 25 22 9 5

Card Types
24 19 12 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Enter the Arcanum [Set1135]
The Devouring [Set1145]


August 19, 2023

August 18, 2023


Eternal Version
The Devouring

BBCode For Comments

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Revisions (Since last major patch) August 19, 2023



maslovk Eternal Version: 23.08.17
Nearly auto-lose to aegis Fiera it seems? (almost no tools to break Aegis)
Cerver Eternal Version: 23.08.17
Found a market card that could help :D
Cerver Edited Eternal Version: 23.08.17
Fiera can definitely be rough. If sideboard was an option you could def side against it but for now your Silences can disrupt it temporarily.

I tried adding targeting weapons and units to the deck but it clogged it up pretty fiercely for a counter card vs 1 deck. Id say just straight up aggro as hard as you can against Fiera in any case before they get set up.

If you have any recommendations I would appreciate it!