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Rank 1 "Classic" Champ/Drake Stonescar.

Throne Deck By
The Great Parliament // Owls and Dragons


Cost Curve




So, grinded to rank 1 throne this month b/c I was having fun. While there are some fun new cards to brew around, when it comes to just winning games and grinding ranks, I honestly think this deck is among the best choices. I call it "classic Stonescar" because it has that set 1-5 style of Stonescar play--play solid units that get overstatted for their place on the curve, smack opponent's face, include charging finishers, round out with removal. Champion of Chaos is still absolutely nuts, and Stonescar keeps getting good support around her EXCEPT in the 2-drop slot, where you need to get a bit creative since there's still nothing like the old 3/3 Argenport Instigator (DWD, revert pls) that's just "set it, forget it, throw removal, enjoy life".

Couple of different units that ping, highwayman to gain life, garrote to suppress aegis and diversify the threat vector, a couple of sets of high impact 4-drop cards (Syl site hits HARD--but DWD, please revert Syl herself, thanks), and a set of drakes to both act as hard-hitting flying, charging threats, but also to offer some lategame insurance if your draws are the kind that don't murder people.

Card choices:

Autotread: pings Kira's stuff, pings grenadins and clam instructors.
Dasher: it's dasher--excellent when you don't have a 2, and gives your 2s and 3s charge as well.
Torch/annihiilate: removal suite. Sometimes, you just need to kill that mono-faction fatso, and the Syl site isn't around.
Garrote: aegis suppression is very good, as is a diversified threat vector, as is a piece of removal in a pinch.
Murgo/Darkblade: 2-drop suite. One snowballs on the board and can use an ult in a pinch, and the other just naturally grows over time, albeit is frail. DWD, 2/2 darkblade again, please. Am I the only one using him?
Champion/Rhysta: two premiere Stonescar 3-drops. Not sure about 4th Rhysta, since I think a single Rhysta is the only one necessary to reach top of curve. We're not playing Patrice here--she's a ramp-only card IMO.
Stronghold/Highwayman: Syl site murders people, Highwayman provides some good sustain vs. aggro decks, or just in cases when removal's flowing.
Drake: explained above.

Market: tempo-efficient attachment kill, tempo-efficient removal, Jekk vs. aggro, Phoenix as a finisher, Wyatt's junkyard for a bit more grind. Not sure what to cut for Raniya--thinking Phoenix, but odds are, it's absolutely correct to include her in any market you can.

In any case, enjoy smashing face, and see you on ladder for some dittos ?=P

(Oh, and if you want to *counter* this deck, you may want to play 8 silence Combrei mid--might get a brew soon depending on how prevalent this deck becomes =P)


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 2

Power Sources
20 21 16

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
5 32 19 5 10

Card Types
36 4 10 5 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Shadow of the Spire [Set1087]

Aggro Midrange

April 10, 2024


Eternal Version
Battle Lines

BBCode For Comments

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ReflectingMyDescent Eternal Version: 24.10.02
Hey Ilya, glad that you are still here doing your duty and creating good decks :) are there any updates to the deck right now?
OlafForkbeard Edited Eternal Version: 24.10.02
I had let myself decay into unranked bronze, as I am ought to do every 5 or so months. Your list got me back into masters with an average win rate of 4-1. Lost a # of games to just mis-sequencing, so it's likely it should have been 6-1 or 7-1. The rest of the losses were not finding a 4th power or actually playing against someone who was *proactively* interacting while on the play. On the way up there were only a handful of games that I truly believe someone simply outplayed/strategized me while both of our decks were working in full.

The only change I made was swapping out Jekk, Mercenary Hunter in Market for Raniya, Miviox Maniac as I was simply not running into what I assume it was in there for. I'd guess it's mostly upside if it does 4, but is in there as a deal 2 to 2. I didn't run into much weenie other than a smattering of The Creation Project. I was however running into "I'ma try to outmidrange you" decks and Raniya swaps the tempo back.

Struggled some against Omniscience midrange lists, but "struggle" is to say it felt like a 40-45% matchup. That's fine.

I like how many axis this deck can approach on. This is a very strong aggro midrange deck.
thewamts Eternal Version: 24.03.14
Run Calm Instructor, or else this deck is trash.
IlyaK1986 Eternal Version: 24.04.24
Aged like milk.
thewamts Eternal Version: 24.04.24
Run Calm Instructor, or else this deck is trash.