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Menance ultra greed pile

Expedition Deck By

Work in Progress

Cost Curve




Basically a meme deck, but hey, turns out mashing good value cards can work.

So Champion of Chaos and Champion of Cunning are pretty powerful. Why not just mash them together? What could possibly go wrong?

So since influence is y'know, a problem, We're gonna run Veteran Strategist and Rift Crystal to color fix. The influence you want for this deck is 3F, 5S, and 5P, but you're mainly a base Feln deck splashing fire so prioritize Shadow and primal mainly. Champ of Chaos still works decently as a 4/4 with deadly for 3 so don't be afraid to put off fire influence for a bit.

The cards/units in question were chosen since they're light on influence requirements mainly. Lipa is obv more powerful than Mindbroken Cobbler, but it doesn't mean anything if you can't cast her on curve well. Same thing with nothing requiring double fire was chosen. Not happy about shrivel being a double shadow card, but there are some x/4's in the format like Ziat, Steelwarren Reeve or Hive Queen Uther it tags. Chastisement can be subbed for it since it's lighter on influence and berserking your Champs can steal games.

Feel free to sub in Champion of Fury for the laughs/memes if you want as well

Expedition Information


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
1 2 2

Power Sources
12 16 13 20 4

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
4 28 39 3

Card Types
38 4 8 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Enter the Arcanum [Set1135]


January 23, 2023


Eternal Version
Behemoths of Thera

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