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(Argent Depths) - Tempo Justice

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




NOTE : The list was created before Ruffian's nerf!

How to :

Get Kodosh's Armor from the market and start buffing your Kira, the Prodigy or any other unit before you attack with it. (You can use it more than once each turn!)

When you Imbue Greenstone Officer on a unit buffed by Kodosh's Armor, Finest Hour or whatever buff card you have in hand, he'll keep the buff plus the stunned unit's stats even after the buffed unit loses it! (Cool Right?)

If you run out of units there is a Golem Press in the market to help the situation which is also a great target for any kind of buffs and Kemmo, Ijin's Apprentice's weapons!

Lots of lifesteal to survive aggro and 4 of my favorite Valkyrie Enforcers to silence annoying enemy units, or buff and use them to pass the damage needed to end the game.

Elder's Feather is in the market to use it on a buffed unit as another finisher.

Thanks for checking my list! It is the first one I am posting here!

Cheers! o/


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

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Deck Rarities
18 25 13 9

Card Types
34 6 15 0 25


July 22, 2020

June 24, 2020


Eternal Version

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Gravekper Edited Eternal Version: 20.06.24
Thanks for the great list. After a bit of playtest, I'm pretty sure this will be one of best archetype for gauntlet grinding. I tried some changes and feeling good about them.

Quality of removals is quite a big problem for mono justice decks. Vanquish is fine as it has nice synergy with Trickshot Ruffian. But I didn't like Entrapment very much. I moved Vanquisher's blade from market to Main. For market, added Pristine Light because it's great in pinch.

I think Emerald Crafters do not perform very well unless under harsh rule. You usually do not get that many influences after 4 power. I replaced them with Copperhall Bailiff, which is great against tokens and aegis.

About Mantle of Justice, it's a great finisher but weak when short on units. Kemmo brings decent number of finisher weapons. I cut them and put more units(Sheriff Marley). This is because my changes are heavily focused on winrate than speed. I think it can take a market spot as a fast finisher.

Crownwatch Press-Gang can be a decent card for both main deck and market. Trickshot Ruffians are good in most situations. But unsure about using Gangs only for Ruffians.

Here's my current list. I like current list but I think this list is still far from complete. Happy grinding.

4 Finest Hour (Set1 #130)
4 Justice Etchings (Set9 #79)
4 Trickshot Ruffian (Set9 #81)
4 Greenstone Officer (Set9 #85)
4 Kira, the Prodigy (Set6 #98)
4 Kodosh Evangel (Set7 #70)
2 Vanquisher's Blade (Set4 #112)
4 Copperhall Bailiff (Set1001 #5)
4 Kemmo, Ijin's Apprentice (Set5 #89)
4 Valkyrie Enforcer (Set1 #151)
4 Vanquish (Set1 #143)
2 Winchest Merchant (Set4 #126)
1 Crownwatch Press-Gang (Set2 #92)
1 Sheriff Marley (Set4 #131)
4 Sediti, the Killing Steel (Set6 #125)
15 Justice Sigil (Set1 #126)
2 Crownwatch Standard (Set4 #97)
4 Emerald Waystone (Set3 #101)
4 Justice Symbol (Set9 #73)
1 Kodosh's Armor (Set8 #72)
1 Pristine Light (Set6 #111)
1 Mantle of Justice (Set0 #21)
1 Harsh Rule (Set1 #172)
1 Telut, Queen's Hand (Set1004 #12)
AVoiD83 Edited Eternal Version: 20.06.24
Hi! Thank you for spending your time to post a comment like that. I know it takes some time and i appreciate it!
I just finished a run with your list and honestly, it worked just fine. The addition of Copperhall Bailiff proved to be great with his -1 attack effect! As for the market I believe is all about what fits well, to each players style! I mean, some build defensive markets and others offensive! I tried to keep a balance between these two with offense beeing slightly favored! Telut, Queen's Hand board control ability though, looks like a great addition to it. The one card that I would keep is Emerald Crafter because so far it worked great for me. I try to Imbue it and let it passively become stronger each turn and then Boom. A big dude comes out of nowhere! Mantle of Justice felt good in the market also than the main deck but I am having trouble deciding what to cut for it! I will keep trying things though and keep in mind all these changes while tweaking! Thanks for trying the list!
Alomba87 Eternal Version: 20.06.24
I find your lack of Mantle of Justice disturbing!

Seriously, though, I am wondering if it at least deserves a spot in market.
AVoiD83 Eternal Version: 20.06.24
This is a nice idea! Imagine Mantle of Justice having flying also! Jokes apart, for sure this could become a super fat weapon that could probably win the game if attached on a flyer! Maybe 2 in the main deck? Maybe - 2 Entrapment + 2 Mantle of Justice? Sounds nice! I will try this! Thanks for checking the list and your suggestion!
redturtle Eternal Version: 20.06.24
what about a budget version without the 8 legendaries main?
AVoiD83 Edited Eternal Version: 20.06.24
Sure! let me share some ideas!
While Kemmo, Ijin's Apprentice provides his amazing weapons to use and get huge amounts of damage or lifesteal it could be replaced with any decent 3 drop like Seasoned Drillmaster or maybe Brightmace Paladin ! Both will work just fine! As of Sediti, the Killing Steel it could be replaced with another flyer like Steel Legion which also has endurance to tank some attacks! I hope that helps somehow! Thanks for your comment and your time!
DragonsFury Eternal Version: 20.06.26
Hello. I am a pretty new player so forgive me if this is a dumb question, but would Icaria, Valkyrie Captain be a suitable replacement for Sediti, the Killing Steel? Also, is there any chance you could tell me which cards are must haves? I can't quite afford the whole deck but I am hoping I can fill in the blanks with things that work ok. Thanks!
AVoiD83 Edited Eternal Version: 20.06.26
Hi! No question is a dumb question my friend! Ask whatever you want to know!
Keep in mind that I tweaked this list to grind Gauntlet for gold! I played some matches in ranked throne at diamond 2 and 1 and had positive winrate but the number of matches were not that many to show how strong the list is to climb with! So if you are interested to climb I suggest you to check the strong meta decks that are used now! I mean the meta can be boring sometimes but unfortunately it is the safe way to climb! You said that you are quite new to the game btw! What about starting with Expedition then? There you will be able to craft safe crafts that will be available to play for quite some time! For example both Sediti, the Killing Steel and Icaria, Valkyrie Captain are not allowed in expedition! -(Throne is the mode where every single card can be played. In expedition only the latest sets are allowed! This is why it is better for new players!)- But if you want to invest to a throne collection both cards are a must have! The small Icaria, Valkyrie Captain comes from Dead Reckoning campain and the Sediti, the Killing Steel comes from Dark Frontier set and can be crafted with shifstone! I you have decided that you will stick to Throne let me know and tell me what factions (Justice , Shadow, ect) you like to play the most! Then I will try to help you with some safe crafts! Same for expedition of course! I hope this reply helps a little! Cheers!
DragonsFury Edited Eternal Version: 20.06.26
I hate PvP. I only do it for the free card pack each day. I am looking for a deck to grind gold from gauntlet and I am already using a mono J deck that is doing decent but still has issues at high MMR godmode AI decks. So could Icaria, Valkyrie Captain work as a replacement? And which cards are key to this deck working well in gauntlet? I am assuming Kodosh's Armor is one of them? Would something like this function well enough? It is about all I can afford for now.
4 Finest Hour (Set1 #130)
4 Justice Etchings (Set9 #79)
4 Trickshot Ruffian (Set9 #81)
4 Greenstone Officer (Set9 #85)
4 Icaria, Valkyrie Captain (Set1003 #7)
1 Isolate (Set6 #97)
4 Kira, the Prodigy (Set6 #98)
4 Kodosh Evangel (Set7 #70)
4 Brightmace Paladin (Set1 #147)
4 Valkyrie Enforcer (Set1 #151)
3 Vanquish (Set1 #143)
2 Winchest Merchant (Set4 #126)
4 Emerald Crafter (Set9 #97)
1 Entrapment (Set3 #116)
2 Mantle of Justice (Set0 #21)
1 Challenge by Law (Set3 #140)
15 Justice Sigil (Set1 #126)
1 Crownwatch Standard (Set4 #97)
1 Emblem of Kodosh (Set7 #61)
1 Emerald Monument (Set1 #422)
3 Emerald Waystone (Set3 #101)
4 Justice Symbol (Set9 #73)
1 Elder's Feather (Set1 #128)
1 Golem Press (Set5 #85)
1 Vanquisher's Blade (Set4 #112)
1 Kodosh's Armor (Set8 #72)
1 Telut, Queen's Hand (Set1004 #12)
AVoiD83 Eternal Version: 20.06.26
Whoops I just saw the list omg.. Sure! it looks great!
AVoiD83 Eternal Version: 20.06.26
Kodosh's Armor buff is way too good if if doesn't get removed from the Al. Great market card for gauntlet in my opinion. So yeah I would craft one!
Icaria, Valkyrie Captain as a utility 2 drop can't replace Sediti, the Killing Steel which is a super strong 5 drop. Instead of Sediti you could use Silverwing Commander which is a rare or else Steel Legion if you want to go budget mode.
AVoiD83 Eternal Version: 20.06.26
Brightmace Paladin can also replace Kemmo, Ijin's Apprentice and save you a good amount of stones! Also that lifesteal it provides when buffed is huge for gauntlet where the Al is super aggressive most of the times.
DragonsFury Eternal Version: 20.06.26
Thanks, I think I will give it a try. The cost of the list I posted would be 9k shiftstone for me, but I don't think any of the cards that I would craft would be wasted. Thanks for the help mate.
AVoiD83 Eternal Version: 20.06.26
Np! Good luck grinding that sweet gauntlet gold! Cheers! o/
redturtle Eternal Version: 20.06.24
perfect. looking forward to giving it a crack.
AVoiD83 Eternal Version: 20.06.24
Have fun! o/