--> Deck in my opinion plays really similarly to
Rebuild combos or my Eclipse Spring deck.
I have always wanted a deck that plays similarly to my
A New Eclipse Spring deck, or 50 Power decks in general.
Luckily, they printed
Gastrolith for set 14.
Earlier, I have already posted a throne
Gastrolith deck that plays like the storm decks like
Workshop Forge,
Aymar, Dark Summoner and
Tamarys, the Geomancer storm decks.
This deck however uses (abuses)
Binding Agreement in a 50 Power deck to consistently draw 6 to 10 powers so generally pays for itself, the addition of cylixes in expedition also means you get more draw.
Our main win condition is
Solfire in the market with an alt win con of
Gift of Kosul in the maindeck.