Description Tempo based, budget, low on curve tribe with grenadin-sacrifice synergy.
Game Plan Set your board with low on curve threats, land some sacrifice payoffs and go for face in wide manner. You have enough two-for-one cards to overvalue your opponent with cheap units. And enough removal to deal with big threats. Scrap Hound and Rotoscavenger are your plan B threats, that can help you in mid-late game.
Cards & Reasoning - Gleaming Grenadin: two in one unit, good sacrifice fodder.
- Grenadin Drone: two in one unit, good sacrifice fodder.
- Scrap Hound: sacrifice outlet as well as scaling unit.
- Disassembler: sacrifice payoff.
- Grenadin Bellower: sacrifice fodder, go wide buff.
- Rotoscavenger: sacrifice payoff, scaling threat, removal. Make a note that it can deal damage to units as well as it has Decay, so you permanently decrease stats.
The ShiftstonedEternal Power Calculator is a deck-building tool that visualizes your odds of drawing enough Influence and Power based specifically on the cards found in your deck.
It's pretty important to play Disassembler asap, ideally turn 2, this way you can get more from board wipe effects. Eat your units with sacrifice outlets while Lightning Storm on stack.
On the second thought you will have like 4 1/1 by turn 2, so even if they wipe your board it's not that crucial and you can rebuild. Control decks are not that scary for this deck. But Midrange decks with value units are real threat.
Yes and No.
- Rift Siphon is a possible buff AFTER attacks and we want buff before attacks. It looks great in a Rat Cage deck.
- Cunning Plan can be totally included in the market, main deck probably no because of cost.
Hey man =)
Loved your deck before and love this one now. thanks for the updates and i think they were good. After not hitting enough tokens i changed it to this
As before i changed Devour to Pyromage, although it doesnt go well with some stuff, especially combat spells.
I plan on still doing some changes since i believe blazing salvo will be a solidifying addition (negate lifesteal eg) and i am thinking about removing bellower to get rid of the sacrifice spells, but not too sure yet. Also need to read through your card additions =)
Anyway, hope i can give you some input
- If you are not running Rat Cage there is no reason to run Assault Shield, play 2 copies of Rally - Devour fill your hand, so you get most out of playing this card. Rapid Shot doesn't fit go wide strategy, so good card to replace.
as long as you hit a card that works, devour looses to pyromage i think.
also rapid shot is perfect removal for going wide, it can kill something with up to 5 health (or more), deal face damage, and if you block it doesnt matter much if your unit dies.
i agree about assault shield. its still in there because i am unsure about the changes.
Deck is crazy fun. Went for a practice run in casual, 3 wins in a row. The rats and grenadins are deceptively strong, no one expects 15 damage out of nowhere.
Too slow, almost no value.
T4 you play this, T5 first trigger, T7 last trigger. You already lost or won game, unless it died to literally any type of removal available in the game.
But if you have those it would be nice experience for you to see on practice.
Hey =) just registered to thank you for the Deck. Its awesome, just because its so friggin fast. And it worked super well after Season reset.
Although I'm between Gold and Dia right now and im struggling hard, because most decks are fast enough/ faster or have a counter ready.
Also, although i don't get why people play gauntlet, i figured i could try it there because of the speed. I failed 2/3 times at the final battle though.
I am often happy about Barbarian Camp/Stonescar Outfitter, even though they are kind of expensive, while im having second thoughts about Cabal Repeater. I think its too slow and too expensive for one to two rounts of +1. (considering in most cases deadly doesn't do much unless you are basically dominating the board: the enemy wont block if you dont have enough damage to nearly finish.)
So i will probably drop Stonescar Outfitter and Cabal Repeater and look for some changes, as soon as i can afford it.
Game progress is insanely slow, especially when you save for campaigns T_T
1) You need to add merchants maindeck.
2) You will have new tab where main deck list is.
3) You can put any cards.
4) You can trade on merchant summon ANY card you have in hand for faction of your merchant card from market.
5) If you have two color merchant then you can have cards in market that are not copies of the main list.
6) If you have mono-faction merchant you can have copy of the main list as well in your market.
Played about fifteen games so far. Starting to get the hang of it. It's quite fun to have max units by turn 5 or so. And when they've all got deadly... Hilarious.
Edit: OK, been playing quite a lot. Got to diamond for the first time. Saw a lot of slow-starting control decks in Gold and this deck just chewed them up. Even against aggro, it would often get moving and swarm their Onis and such before they could get too many warcries in.
Solid budget deck. With just a few alterations I have gone from Bronze III to Diamond III currently with my top 12 win streak.
But if bad drawing gets you to round 5 or more then things will get too difficult.
Any advice on how to slowly upgrade this deck with better cards? Unsure on how not to mess the balance of it
I made deck with 3 things in mind.
- Token producer cards
- Mass buff
- Mass utility.
In current case we have 8 token producers in slot 1 and 3; 16 mass buff (10 in scope of unit); 12 Mass Utility (Prophet, Combust, Devour).
Token Producers: there are no better one in 1 and 3 slots and no good-to-average token producers in 2 slot.
Mass Buff: Bandit Queen will totally increase explosiveness of the deck especially if you are on a good drawing cycle.
Mass Utility: Torrent of Spiders could be great upgrade, coz all that small dudes you loose as turns past are adding to this card.
Adding market will help this deck.
Like worst cards in a deck are Stonescar Outfitter & Barbarian Camp. I would start with those. Market would help a lot with consistency, so Fire merchant is straight upgrade. BQ will also fit nicely.
Fangs in the Dark is a bad card, you should replace it with Cabal Repeater. Coz It has better effect for lower cost, also a body to go for damage. Other cards are fine.
On the second thought you will have like 4 1/1 by turn 2, so even if they wipe your board it's not that crucial and you can rebuild. Control decks are not that scary for this deck. But Midrange decks with value units are real threat.
- Rift Siphon is a possible buff AFTER attacks and we want buff before attacks. It looks great in a Rat Cage deck.
- Cunning Plan can be totally included in the market, main deck probably no because of cost.
Loved your deck before and love this one now. thanks for the updates and i think they were good. After not hitting enough tokens i changed it to this
As before i changed Devour to Pyromage, although it doesnt go well with some stuff, especially combat spells.
I plan on still doing some changes since i believe blazing salvo will be a solidifying addition (negate lifesteal eg) and i am thinking about removing bellower to get rid of the sacrifice spells, but not too sure yet. Also need to read through your card additions =)
Anyway, hope i can give you some input
- Devour fill your hand, so you get most out of playing this card. Rapid Shot doesn't fit go wide strategy, so good card to replace.
also rapid shot is perfect removal for going wide, it can kill something with up to 5 health (or more), deal face damage, and if you block it doesnt matter much if your unit dies.
i agree about assault shield. its still in there because i am unsure about the changes.
If you want to use Cen Wastes Smuggler. Then -2 Scavenge, -2 Assault Shield.
Too slow, almost no value.
T4 you play this, T5 first trigger, T7 last trigger. You already lost or won game, unless it died to literally any type of removal available in the game.
But if you have those it would be nice experience for you to see on practice.
Although I'm between Gold and Dia right now and im struggling hard, because most decks are fast enough/ faster or have a counter ready.
Also, although i don't get why people play gauntlet, i figured i could try it there because of the speed. I failed 2/3 times at the final battle though.
So i am looking to do some upgrades. I think relic weapons can be strong and i am eyeing cards like Miner's Musket, Frontier Jito and Song of War.
I am often happy about Barbarian Camp/Stonescar Outfitter, even though they are kind of expensive, while im having second thoughts about Cabal Repeater. I think its too slow and too expensive for one to two rounts of +1. (considering in most cases deadly doesn't do much unless you are basically dominating the board: the enemy wont block if you dont have enough damage to nearly finish.)
So i will probably drop Stonescar Outfitter and Cabal Repeater and look for some changes, as soon as i can afford it.
Game progress is insanely slow, especially when you save for campaigns T_T
2) You will have new tab where main deck list is.
3) You can put any cards.
4) You can trade on merchant summon ANY card you have in hand for faction of your merchant card from market.
5) If you have two color merchant then you can have cards in market that are not copies of the main list.
6) If you have mono-faction merchant you can have copy of the main list as well in your market.
Loving this deck so far, just need more stones for the upgrades
Edit: OK, been playing quite a lot. Got to diamond for the first time. Saw a lot of slow-starting control decks in Gold and this deck just chewed them up. Even against aggro, it would often get moving and swarm their Onis and such before they could get too many warcries in.
But if bad drawing gets you to round 5 or more then things will get too difficult.
Any advice on how to slowly upgrade this deck with better cards? Unsure on how not to mess the balance of it
- Token producer cards
- Mass buff
- Mass utility.
In current case we have 8 token producers in slot 1 and 3; 16 mass buff (10 in scope of unit); 12 Mass Utility (Prophet, Combust, Devour).
Token Producers: there are no better one in 1 and 3 slots and no good-to-average token producers in 2 slot.
Mass Buff: Bandit Queen will totally increase explosiveness of the deck especially if you are on a good drawing cycle.
Mass Utility: Torrent of Spiders could be great upgrade, coz all that small dudes you loose as turns past are adding to this card.
Adding market will help this deck.
My version is this with just a very few modifications
4 Combust (Set1 #392)
4 Grenadin Drone (Set1 #5)
2 Light 'em Up (Set4 #4)
4 Rat Cage (Set5 #153)
4 Torch (Set1 #8)
2 Angry Prophet (Set6 #189)
2 Cabal Repeater (Set6 #191)
4 Devour (Set1 #261)
2 Grenadin Bellower (Set3 #214)
4 Assembly Line (Set1 #29)
4 Rally (Set1 #33)
4 Scavenge (Set5 #163)
4 Barbarian Camp (Set3 #29)
2 Fangs in the Dark (Set5 #170)
1 Furious Compulsion (Set6 #28)
1 Calderan Gunsmith (Set1 #46)
2 Stonescar Outfitter (Set6 #216)
4 Fire Sigil (Set1 #1)
4 Granite Waystone (Set3 #1)
5 Shadow Sigil (Set1 #249)
4 Amethyst Waystone (Set3 #201)
2 Seat of Chaos (Set0 #60)
2 Stonescar Banner (Set1 #419)
4 Stonescar Insignia (Set6 #228)