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Katra's Devotion

Throne Deck By


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I returned to my bolster deck a week ago to try and update it. I came out of testing with this bad boy.

This deck piles advantages in multiple ways not just bigger units. There is a good interplay of skills. Easy to use and master. AI doesn't know how to respond to some of its units. Cleared Gauntlet 10 times with few difficulties. Look out for the Shadow-Fire deck that stops life gain. Make sure you have a banish in hand or force it to block and exchange units until its killed. Aegis units could pose a problem but we can race them because we gain life and aegis units are often smaller. Same technique works for Flying decks as well. Always keep a couple of units in hand once the board is stabilized in case of a sweep. Our units can grow really fast.

Reason for inclusion:
Alhed Ascending has good body for two. When facing bigger units, his decay helps to trim them down to size as we try to gather units, bolster them, and stabilize the board.

Dran, Won't Back Down is our first bolster. Like Alhed Ascending he eats kill spells when dropped early. If we have Katra, the Devoted in hand, its better to drop them early.

Grumbo, Tota Legend activates bolster. It also grows on its own. His lifegain early helps in weathering an early assault.

Spiritweaver fixes power, can block early, and can give all units at end game with lifesteal. Each unit with lifesteal that dealt damage gives +1/+1 when Katra, the Devoted is in play.

Auralian Merchant and Ebon Dune Smuggler are our market access cards. The first has good body for blocking and the +1 power helps us reach 8 power for Xenan Obelisk. The second has ambush.

Banish is our only kill card. But it is often enough to take down early threats and pesky relics.

Curtain Call is our pseudo aegis. It also gives two units lifesteal. Revenge is the icing on the cake. Don't hesitate to use Curtain Call to protect key units from kill spells. Also works when blocking.

First Shipment has all the things we need, lifegain, sigil draw, gain a relic for future lifegain, and card draw. One of the best utility card in Eternal.

Lost Traveler can pop aegis for Banish or Huntmaster Vikrum. It is best to use it early to remove key units that could hamper opponent's board control or an early big unit. Target whichever is most important early game but diminishing in value later on. So it can attack or when it get's killed, the damage has been done.

Huntmaster Vikrum like Lost Traveler is a utility card. Use it to remove pesky blockers, or key units. Target units you can attack with to ensure it dies early. An Alhed Ascending in play gives it decay and doubles the damage it causes the opponent.

Katra, the Devoted is our second bolster card. Triggers ever instance not once a turn. Make sure to drop it the same turn you gain life.

Azindel, Mastermind can net you power and units. It also has lifesteal which works with many of our units.

If you have no pressing need, always pick Xenan Obelisk from the market.

We have two power sources, Amber Waystone and Sacred Sealthat provides life for bolster activation

Hope you enjoy the deck!


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2

Power Sources
21 15 15 4

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
8 18 38 8 6

Card Types
38 5 12 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Awakening [Set1095]
Hour of Glass [Set1115]
Valley Beyond [Set1125]
Enter the Arcanum [Set1135]


October 30, 2024


Eternal Version
Separate Ways

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